Friday, February 15, 2019

Apex Legends Guide: How Currencies Work – And How to Get More!

Welcome to Apex Legends.

Would you like to learn more about Apex Coins, Legend tokens, and this game’s unique crafting metals system?

If so, this is the guide for you!

Wait – What’s Apex Legends?

This is a “Battle Royale” game, and one of the best in its category.

Its design is top notch, as attested by its developer team. And if you didn’t know, its developers were also responsible for Titanfall.

That alone is a reason to join.

What You Get.

Apex Legends is a free to play game. Here, you get some “staple” gaming designs that make it competitive.

Everything from closed battle areas, to loot all over, and a war to the death is what to expect.

It’s a game of guns, blood, massive battle ships (and obviously) the need to strategize.

But this game’s awesomeness doesn’t stop there. You see, it’s designed so that “micro-transactions” don’t affect performance too much.

It balances those who play for free, and those who spend.

In Apex Legends, micro-transactions focus on getting cosmetics. So you look better. But you don’t necessarily get a competitive advantage.

And this makes it a highly appealing (and popular) game to play.

But Still…
Cosmetics are key to MMO gameplay.

Today, we’ll explore that aspect. We’ll walk you through Apex Legends currencies.

We’ll explore crafting metals, Legend tokens, and Apex Coins!

First – Apex Legends Currencies.

This game has 3 different currencies.

Those are Apex Coins, Legend Tokens, and Crafting Metals.

Let’s start with the coins.

Apex Coins.
This the micro-transaction currency of the game. It’s the “premium money”, and you only get it by paying real cash.

This gives you access to a plethora of items in the game’s cash shop.

Below is a list of how many coins you get per dollar spent…
·         $10 = 1000 Apex Coins.
·         $20 = 2000 Apex Coins (+150 bonus).
·         $40 = 4000 Apex Coins (+350 bonus).
·         $60 = 6000 Apex Coins (+750 bonus).
·         $100 = 10,000 Apex Coins (+1500 bonus).

As you can tell, the more you spend, the higher the bonus.

It’s not that much of a bonus. But, it’s an incentive to fork out more cash!

Next – Legend Tokens + Crafting Metals.

Both are earned in-game. The more time you invest, and the more experience you get, the higher your chances of receiving them.

Specifically, you receive both through “Apex Packs.”

This pack is a prize you get each time you level up. And it has a chance of giving you either of those currencies.

What Else do “Apex Packs” Contain?

Good question.

Beyond crafting metals and legend tokens, you can get rare skins, or a new kill intro!

However, do note that your odds of getting something good differs from pack to pack.

To give you an idea, you have a 1/30 chance of receiving a “legendary item”. So that’s 30 packs to go through…

We’d say the odds are appalling. But they’re not considering that you’re guaranteed to never get duplicated cosmetics.

So that’s a sigh of relief. It means that you’re always getting something unique!

Second – What You Can Buy With Currency.

Each currency gives you a variety of items to buy.

But as is obvious, what you buy with hard-earned money isn’t the same as in-game currency. And we’ll display that in the bullet lists below!

Apex Coins.
You can buy most in-game items without grinding endlessly. In addition to that, you can also get…
·         New legends.
·         Store-only cosmetics.

Legend Tokens.
Similar to Apex Coins. Only difference is, you need to grind a long time to get those. So you waste less by spending in-game cash!

Crafting Metals.
Here, you can get the following…
·         Non-store exclusive legend skins.
·         Trackers, banners, poses, quips (and) finishers.

How Long Does it Take to Get “Good Legends”?

That’s up to you.

To give you an idea, Mirage and Caustic legends are 12K Legend Tokens each (750 Apex Coins).

If you want those, you’ll either spend cash immediately. Or, you can grind it out for a while to build up a Legend Token stash.

However, the better your performance, the faster you can get them. After all, building up tokens and crafting metals relies on your match wins.

Survive longer, get more kills, assist in more kills, and level up quick. From there, you’ll get all the Apex Packs you need for excellent legends!

Apex Legends Guide: How to Get Free Apex Coins (Legit Method)

Are you a gamer at heart? Do you want thrilling game with endless action?

If so, try Apex Legends. It’s what’ll fulfill your gaming needs! It gives you everything, from excellent combat to an interesting quest system!

And just like many games, there’s a currency system. That is, you’re managing in-game finances to develop your character and equipment.

Obviously, this isn’t an easy task. After all, Apex Legends has multiple currencies. And mentioning all of them (in detail) requires a guide of its own.

But this currency multitude makes gameplay interesting. And we’ll help you out with that.

Today, we’ll discuss the first currency - Apex Coins, which is the “premium currency” of this game.

You pay real money to get it…

Thus, we’ll show you ways on how to get legitimate free Apex coins!

And we’d like to stress the “legitimate” part.


Well, just like with many games, some players like to use hack tools on Apex Legends.

They use them to generate free Apex coins. However, those tools don’t work well, since they rely heavily on in-game bugs. And when those get patched out, the tools are as good as useless.

Plus, it’s easy to get caught. And if that happens, your account gets banned, and you risk losing all the time invested in it.

So don’t be that person. Strive to acquire free Apex coins. But do so in a legal (and game compliant) way!

What Do I Do?

And that’s what this guide’s for.

Today, we’re focusing less on getting free Apex coins, and more on proper investment. That is – how do you spend those Apex Coins?

Which characters are best to invest in?

Be sure to read the list. In it, we’ll cover some characters and concepts!

The Game’s Structure.

Before you learn its tricks and nuances, you need a basic understanding of the game. You’ve got to know its gameplay style, and what the key goals in it are.

For starters, Apex Legends is a game for those who enjoy “battle royale” fighting. That is, it’s a group player game.

This game is also free to play, so you can be sure of a large player base. Plus it offers many amazing features, encouraging tons of players to stick around!

Besides learning how perfectly progress in Apex Legends, tons of guides for this game exist online. So you can educate yourself quick on the basics, which we recommend before using cheats!

Basic Information.

· The game exists online, so it’s not an offline console game. You can play with teammates, where you compete against another 13 teams.

· It’s all about survival. In Apex Legends, the last team standing is the winner, and it’s the basis behind match winning, plus raising your rank in-game.

· Selecting a character is quite simple. Besides that, you can also choose a class for your character, giving it amazing additional features and certain battle specialties.

· Now, this is different from the majority of battle royale games, which forbid you from choosing characters. But this game does that (especially through hacks) thus making it a unique players’ favorite.

· Apex Legends also has cheats that supplies players’ additional information about the game. And information matters much in battle strategy. It allows players to easily beat enemies for match wins!

What About Methods for Getting Free Apex Coins?

We’ll get to that.

As a reminder, no hack tools, generators, or bug abuses will help you. You need to use legitimate methods to farm your coins.

We say that because learning to get free Apex coins is probably a top-demand of players’ in-game. In fact, getting resources for free (in general) is a top demand by anybody!

The primary method for getting coins is by finishing different in-game missions. And you should do so with the right character, allowing you to win the games!

And because of that, learning about different abilities, characters, and builds is necessary. It helps you develop a character that can effectively farm Apex coins.

Below is a list of 8 basic characters. Explore each, and select what suits your play style best!

(1) Bloodhound.

Considered the ferocious offense of the game, a bloodhound tracks down enemies. They do so with technological prowess, while retaining a primitive side too. That is, they can transform into a destructive beast on command!

It’s one of the best characters you can use in Apex Legends, and is recommended for beginners!

(2) Gibraltar.

They’re the defenders of the game. With a Gibraltar, you operate as a strong fortress that offers shielding to anyone you wish, whether it be yourself or allies. However, this character has the capacity to initiate mortar strikes on all enemies it faces. It’s excellent if you’re a long-term player, and is worth the Apex Coins investment.

(3) Lifeline.

Consider the saints and healers of the game. Their skills allow you to revive and heal players in your own team, and with ease. And like in any game, a lifeline is always necessary for support when hunting down high quality gear. However, its support role doesn’t stop it from engaging in fights, where it does come with some battle skills too!

(4) Pathfinder.

Pathfinders are the scouts of any team. For proper positioning strategy, you must have one with you. They’ll detect and carve the trails to any locations you need to reach. Plus, they have the ability to quickly see into a ring’s next location. And through them, travel is much faster, especially with their ability to create zip lines!

(5) Wraith.

They’re the assassin characters in the game. Wraiths are inter-dimensional travelers, with the odd ability to warp out of harm’s way, while skillfully and quickly dealing you damage. It’s a character that has teleportation powers, letting you cover massive distances (similar to a Pathfinder). So when playing this character, you gain both a mobility and a speed advantage!

(6) Bangalore.

Considered those the basic soldier warriors of the game. But they’re powerful, strong, and come with a professional look! This character can perform a variety of functions, from using massive artillery for game wins, to firing smoke grenades at enemies. And it has a wide set of tools that make it worthy of spending Apex coins for its upgrade!

(7) Caustic.

They’re mage-like characters that can use toxic traps to manipulate enemies. Through them, you setup traps, and fire cans of poison gas at opponents to keep them at bay. Plus, they have the ability to see through an enemy’s Cleary even with smoke. But, do note that using this character in-battle requires a sharp and wise mind, plus lots of training!

(8) Mirage.

Another mage-like character, but it’s all about tricking with illusions. This is a trickster that uses holograms to distract incoming enemies, thus confusing them. Plus, they have the capacity to send out decoys of each team member’s to break an enemy’s formation! They’re perfect for breaking through an opposing team’s guard, and they’re one of the best characters that’ll win you the game!

In Summation.

Want free Apex coins? Then it’s best if you get to work!

First, avoid the idea of hack tools. Understand that hack tools won’t help you, nor will they lead you anywhere. Plus, they pose a security risk for your computer (due to malicious files), and they might get you banned.

So here’s what to do…

Farm in-game like everyone else. And learn the best legit methods to get free Apex coins.

But while you do it, farm smart. Don’t waste your time on missions and matches that lead you nowhere.

Additionally, make sure that you learn to invest your Apex coins. You should know the character styles you’d like to commit too. And this comes from intense gameplay, that’ll give you the edge over other competitors!